Net Worth Information


Senior care costs calculator
Net Worth   Net Income   Facility Cost   Long Term View



Getting Started:

> Compile Information

Choose several long term care facilities to examine.  Senior care can be provided by religious organizations or private corporations.  Call and request a brochure and a list of ancillary costs.

> Visit and Tour Facilities 

Schedule a tour of the long term care facilities that sent you information.  Take notes of your impressions.  A sample of questions to think about are:

   ~ Is the facility pleasant and comfortable to move around?  Does it smell nice?

   ~ Are the staff friendly and courteous with the residents?

   ~ Do the residents look happy?  Talk to them.

   ~ View the dining facilities and sample the food.  Can you eat here everyday?

   ~ How are the accommodations?  Can you see yourself living there?

   ~ Check out the monthly activities schedule.  What entertainment is available?

   ~ How many MD's are on staff?  How many RN's are on duty at any hour?

   ~ Do the medical and therapy facilities seem just adequate or excellent?


Senior Care CalculatorYour Financial Picture:  

> Financial Information 

All questions of senior care have a financial aspect.  Long term care facilities need to purchase, or lease, land and buildings, pay for staff, buy supplies, perform maintenance and incur many other costs and obligations associated with providing a care-giving environment.  Basically, they spend money, so they need to collect money.  A ‘well run’ facility collects more money than it spends and puts the profits to use providing for the resident’s environment with services and amenities at the lowest possible charge.  Most will provide a prospectus with financial information that you can review.  Please make sure you get an application packet and a copy of the contract.  

> Ability to Pay

If you are nervous or worried about your financial ability, don’t be.  The purpose of this site is to help you to better understand your financial situation.  In addition, there are many excellent organizations and professionals (Gerontologists, Elder Lawyers, Financial Advisors, etc.), who can assist you.  This site can used in conjunction with their services.   

Please Note: 

All data is to be entered anonymously, with no identifying information!  For example, do not use actual bank names, any account numbers, addresses, etc.  This is a calculator, it doesn't care who you are or where you bank.  It only needs to know the amounts to calculate.   

Most probably, you will not have amounts to enter in every category.  The forms try to take into account different situations, but they are simple and basic.  Hopefully, you will not need additional categories.  Only enter amounts in the categories that apply to you.  And, enter amounts in all categories that do apply to you.  Otherwise, our Long Term View Summary will not be as accurate as it can be.  Save a copy of all the documents you use to find out what you own and what you owe.  You may need them when you fill out an application at a long term care facility. 

If you have questions, feel free to email me from the Contact page. 


               Press the Next button, below, and let's get started computing your Net Worth!!!!