Long Term View Summary


Senior care costs calculator
Net Worth   Net Income   Facility Cost   Long Term View




Long Term Care for Seniors

Care Level Total Costs Computed
  Med Leas Sad Place Happy Plac
Care Level Fees & Expenses
Entry fee (amortised) 70,00039,9003,500
Basic Monthly Fees/Year 599,256916,3201,000,224
Monthly Expenses/Year 119,880129,07274,940
Other Expenses 7,0007,0007,000
Total Care Level Costs 796,1361,092,2921,085,664
Gross Annual Income 1,095,6001,095,6001,095,600
Gross Annual Expenses 497,760497,760497,760
Annual Net Income 597,840597,840597,840
Annual Surplus/Deficit -198,296-494,452-487,824
Funds Available For Assistance
Other Available Funds 2,0002,0002,000
Long Term Care Insurance 6,0006,0006,000
Family Contributions 15,00015,00015,000
Total Assistance 23,00023,00023,000
Adjusted Surplus/Deficit -175,296-471,452-464,824
Present Net Worth 227,000227,000227,000
Projected Net Worth 51,704-244,452-237,824
Year 1 - IND Year 2 - IND Year 3 - IND Year 4 - IND Year 5 - AL1 Year 6 - AL1 Year 7 - AL1 Year 8 - AL1 Year 9 - AL1 Year 10 - AL1 Year 11 - AL2 Year 12 - AL2 Year 13 - AL2 Year 14 - AL2 Year 15 - AL3 Year 16 - NC Year 17 - NC Year 18 - NC Year 19 - NC Year 20 - NC 
Med LeasSad PlaceHappy PlacMed LeasSad PlaceHappy PlacMed LeasSad PlaceHappy PlacMed LeasSad PlaceHappy PlacMed LeasSad PlaceHappy PlacMed LeasSad PlaceHappy PlacMed LeasSad PlaceHappy PlacMed LeasSad PlaceHappy PlacMed LeasSad PlaceHappy PlacMed LeasSad PlaceHappy PlacMed LeasSad PlaceHappy PlacMed LeasSad PlaceHappy PlacMed LeasSad PlaceHappy PlacMed LeasSad PlaceHappy PlacMed LeasSad PlaceHappy PlacMed LeasSad PlaceHappy PlacMed LeasSad PlaceHappy PlacMed LeasSad PlaceHappy PlacMed LeasSad PlaceHappy PlacMed LeasSad PlaceHappy Plac
54,78054,78054,780 54,78054,78054,780 54,78054,78054,780 54,78054,78054,780 54,78054,78054,780 54,78054,78054,780 54,78054,78054,780 54,78054,78054,780 54,78054,78054,780 54,78054,78054,780 54,78054,78054,780 54,78054,78054,780 54,78054,78054,780 54,78054,78054,780 54,78054,78054,780 54,78054,78054,780 54,78054,78054,780 54,78054,78054,780 54,78054,78054,780 54,78054,78054,780 
Funds Available For Assistance
100100100 100100100 100100100 100100100 100100100 100100100 100100100 100100100 100100100 100100100 100100100 100100100 100100100 100100100 100100100 100100100 100100100 100100100 100100100 100100100 
-15,100-3,664-10,644 -15,100-3,664-7,144 -15,100-3,664-7,144 -15,100-3,664-7,144 -4,736-8,476-19,888 -1,936-6,880-19,888 -1,936-6,880-19,888 -1,936-6,880-19,888 -1,936-6,880-19,888 -1,936-6,880-19,888 -6,244-14,668-26,008 -6,244-14,668-26,008 -6,244-14,668-26,008 -6,244-14,668-26,008 -6,244-18,268-26,008 -13,852-67,396-36,676 -13,852-67,396-36,676 -13,852-67,396-36,676 -13,852-67,396-36,676 -13,852-67,396-36,676 
211,900223,336216,356 196,800219,672209,212 181,700216,008202,068 166,600212,344194,924 161,864203,868175,036 159,928196,988155,148 157,992190,108135,260 156,056183,228115,372 154,120176,34895,484 152,184169,46875,596 145,940154,80049,588 139,696140,13223,580 133,452125,464-2,428 127,208110,796-28,436 120,96492,528-54,444 107,11225,132-91,120 93,260-42,264-127,796 79,408-109,660-164,472 65,556-177,056-201,148 51,704-244,452-237,824 


This calculation you have just completed is a snap shot in time.  It shows you the present and a future based on present information.  Amongst several weaknesses, it does not include a calculation for inflation/deflation, price increases/decreases, value increases/decreases, etc.  It doesn’t account for liabilities that may be paid off during the period of time you are calculating, i.e. loans.  This is tough when we are trying to budget over a number of years into the future.  But, you can periodically adjust your calculations with new information.  All that said, this process helped my family and I understand the various issues associated with choosing a senior care facility.  It gave us a means of listing the costs and provided a useful, but admitted imperfect, view of what the future might bring. At worst, it provided us with a structure to organize and evaluate the information we received.  At the very least, I’m hoping it will do the same for you. 

Please, have your attorneyfinancial advisor and/or geriatric care manager review all information you have received, or generated, before making any decisions to sign a long term care facility contract.  If you have questions, don't be afraid to ask.



Good luck and all the best!!!